Quakers have been involved in many areas of peace and social justice throughout their history.
In 1660 Quakers declared to the new King Charles II:
“We utterly deny all outward wars and strife and fightings with outward weapons, for any end, or under any pretence whatsoever; and this is our testimony to the whole world…….that the spirit of Christ, which leads us into all Truth, will never move us to fight and war against any man with outward weapons, neither for the kingdom of Christ, nor for the kingdoms of this world." You can read more about the peace testimony if you follow this link: The Peace Testimony
Quakers have campaigned against war and provided humanitarian support to those suffering from the consequences of war. We also work for reconciliation and conflict resolution in many settings.
Quakers have also been active in many other causes. Elizabeth Fry campaigned for better conditions for women in prison in the early 19th century. In the Irish Famine we provided soup kitchens. Quakers were active in the anti-slavery movement. In both the first and second world wars many Quakers refused to fight (they were known as conscientious objectors) but carried out service work in England and other parts of the world and in Germany after the end of the second world war.
We are active now in peace work and climate justice in Keighley and the surrounding area.